我司將邀請意大利JULIGHT公司總裁兼技術(shù)總監GUIDO GIULIANI就激光自混合干涉技術(shù)在結構振動(dòng)/航空航天振動(dòng)模態(tài)和應變測試/橋梁建筑物監測上的應用介紹和交流,及公司的三維掃描激光測振儀的產(chǎn)品演示 , 交流的客戶(hù)主要集中在:某車(chē)企、某車(chē)企零部件制造企業(yè)、某車(chē)企研究院、某兵器研究所、某航天高校、某兵器制造廠(chǎng)、某重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室等等共約20個(gè)重點(diǎn)客戶(hù)。
時(shí)間: 2019-3-28至2019-4-15日,
發(fā)起公司 :廣州漠陽(yáng)谷電氣機械有限公司
時(shí)間安排:上午9:00-12:00 自混頻干涉激光測振技術(shù)原理及產(chǎn)品介紹與交流
下午14:00-18:00 最新產(chǎn)品三維掃描激光測振儀測試演示與交流
從目前的交流情況來(lái)看,研討會(huì )非常成功。下面是現場(chǎng)一些交流圖片:
附意大利Julight 技術(shù)總監Guido Giuliani 主講人介紹 :
*自混干涉技術(shù)應用創(chuàng )始人;
1.Laser diode feedback interferometerfor measurement of displacement
Without ambiguity. ---1995
2.Interferometric Measurements of Displacementona Diffusing Target by a Speckle Tracking Technique---2001
3. Laser diode self-mixing technique forsensing applications---2002
4. Self-Mixing Laser Diode Velocimetry:Applicationto Vibration and Velocity Measurement---2004
5. Absolute Distance Measurement With ImprovedAccuracy Using Laser Diode Self-Mixing Interferometry in a Closed Loop---2007
6. Laser diode vibrometry fornon-contact monitoring of the arterial stiffness: detection of the heart beatand measurement of the Pulse Wave Velocity---2013
· 1992:Guest undergraduate student, Department of Electrical and ElectronicEngineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K. (ERASMUS fellowship).
·1993:Graduation with honors in Electronic Engineering fromUniversità di Pavia, Pavia,Italy. Thesis title: "Noise in optical amplifiers", Tutor: Prof. S. Donati.
·1997:PhD degree in Electronics and Computer Science from Universitàdi Pavia, Pavia, Italy. Dissertation title:"Optical amplifiers: noise and novel structures", Supervisor: Prof.S. Donati.
Academic Career
· 1997- 1999: Contract researcherwith Dipartimento di Elettronica, Università diPavia, Pavia, Italy, and with C.S.E.L.T.,Centro Studi E Laboratori Telecomunicazioni, Torino, Italy.
·1999 - 2000: Post-Doc researcher, Dipartimentodi Elettronica, Università di Pavia, Pavia, Italy.
·2000 - 2010: Assistant Professor, Dipartimento di Elettronica,Università di Pavia, Pavia, Italy.
·Dec.2010 - present: Professor, Dipartimento diElettronica, Università di Pavia, Pavia, Italy.
Research Activity
Guido Giuliani has carried out theoretical and experimentalresearch in the field of optoelectronics and photonics.
In the recent years he has been Principal Investigator for several researchprojects, totalling more than 50M€ fundingsin the last four years
Main researchtopics:
·Semiconductorintegrated ring lasers for applications as ultrafast all-optical memories andgyroscopes
·RF/mm-wavegeneration with optoelectronic techniques
·Effectsof backreflections into semiconductor laser cavityand their applications to remote sensing
·Semiconductor laserinterferometry and sensing
·Opticalamplifier noise and noise in optical communications
·Modellingof semiconductor optical amplifiers
·Measurementtechniques for the linewidth enhancement factor ofsemiconductor lasers (collaboration with COST 288- Round-Robin measurements)
Guido Giuliani is member of IEEE and LEOS.